Home | K is for Kiss

K is for Kiss

Published on: Apr 13, 20113 comments

I am NOT a poet. I wrote horrid, melodramatic poetry in high school and occasionally, I will write cornball poems in my husband’s anniversary or birthday cards. But one of my characters decided she was a poet.

Lorelei (from Dismantling Spider Webs) broke off an affair with her lover after her husband died. While she mourned the husband she had demonized in her head, she also struggled with the lingering after effects of her extramarital affair.

Lorelei wrote this poem:

Good Night Kisses

As slumber edges away rational thought
Wisps of my lover’s last kiss visit
Pulsing tension on my bottom lip, quiver
Neck is measured by tongue widths
Ear lobe warms from tingling frost bite
Eye lids are sealed with a smooth seal
Kisses–phantom and fading echoes–say goodnight.

I have no standards to judge poetry. If it is bad, feel free to blame Lorelei. If there is any worth, consider it a fluke.

Are you a poet? What poems speak to you?

3 thoughts on “K is for Kiss

  1. I think all poetry has worth, it comes from somewhere deep inside and means something to those who write it enough TO write it. Plus it usually resonated with many others somewhere!! Good job Lorelei!! 😉

  2. I had no idea Lorelei was a poet! She’s amazing =) I am somewhat surprised there’s no numbered color references in the poem…hehehe Kudos to both of you!!

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