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My biggest pet peeve is unreliability and inconsistency. Please, do what you say you are going to do or don’t say anything at all.

As a parent, lack of consistency is an invitation to disaster. Toddlers excel at asking the same question repeatedly, until they get the answer they want. Backing down–even once–starts an avalanche of future nagging.

Once at our annual ice cream social, a little boy was misbehaving. His mother repeatedly threatened to take him home if he continued his behavior. After another episode of holy terror, my young daughter carried over the woman’s purse, beach towel and shoes.

“Here you go,” she said, plopping them in the woman’s lap. “You said you were going to leave if he did that again.”

I wish I had that same courage sometimes.

“Never make someone your priority, when they only make you an option.”

When a friend is consistently late, the message is clearly “you are unimportant and not worth my time.” The same people are capable of arriving to doctor appointments or work on time, so the issue is not disorganization. It is prioritization.

The same can be said for canceling for the weakest of reasons. There are always exceptions to the rule but when your word is broken, repeatedly, I will no longer trust it.

A friend mentioned this well known quote to me:

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

I’d like to think I am a person who makes promises and then keeps them. I believe my public vow to complete projects like National Novel Writing Month and the A to Z Challenge are what drives me to complete the project. I would never make a public promise and then fail to follow through.

Which is why you haven’t seen a promise from me to lose 50 lbs. I promised to help my kids eat their Easter candy–and I never break a promise.

What are your pet peeves?

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“Nicole is very up-to-date on her knowledge of current marketing trends and new technologies and how they apply to the work she does for her clients. Like me she is focused on the marketing techniques that produce results, not just those that are new. Also, Nicole has the heart of a teacher, willing to take the time to educate clients or point colleagues toward helpful resources. –Rob Bunting”

“I am always impressed at how Nicole is always on top of her game. Her ability to move from one task to another while not losing sight of her goal is admirable. I appreciate her know-how and advice when it comes to a variety of topics, both personal and professional. Nicole is a talented writer, who strives to add heart, honesty, and professionalism to every piece she adorns with her name. –Darren McGarvey”

“Nicole is right on target when it comes to writing and marketing. She is innovative and tenacious not only in her design work and but getting the words just right ...all in a very timely manner. When Nicole says she will do something she does it. –Jeanne Porter”

Copyright  2025 Nicole Amsler • Copywriter by day… Fiction writer by night