Home | Tortured Writers and Suicidal Artists

Tortured Writers and Suicidal Artists

Published on: Apr 9, 2010No comments

(Blatantly stolen from Jon Acuff at Stuff Christians Like. Check out his new book by the same title.)

This is a long video (almost 20 minutes) but it includes a wonderful message on how creativity and our life’s purpose is found outside ourselves.

I know I can feel overwhelmed about the next steps, the validity of writing a worthless book and the pressures of (potential) success. I have often said I need to get 10 books under my belt before I let anyone even see one. It is easy to be paralyzed with fear.

But if I only need to show up at my job by sitting down at the computer and type out the words that have chased me down–the pressure if off. There is still much to be said about the daily discipline of writing and marketing. But success isn’t found in a book deal or a contest win. It is found in knowing I have accomplished my work for the day.

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