Home | X is for uXorious

X is for uXorious

Published on: Apr 28, 20114 comments

I got a Word a Day calendar in 1995, my first year in a corporate office. On August 23rd, I turned to a word I had never heard.

Uxorious, adjective: excessively devoted to your wife

On February 19th, 1994, it turned out I had married a man who can only be described as uxorious.

As soon as I meet one of Mark’s co-workers or golfing buddies, I am always told, “Wow! Your husband really loves you. I have never heard him say a bad thing about you.”

His friends pick on him because he always answers the phone, “Hey gorgeous.” This has been embarrassing the handful of times that it wasn’t actually me on the phone, but instead one of his bosses, who has a similar phone number.

Saint Mark

In the 17 years we have been married,  he has been a wonderful provider, an amazing father, an avid supporter of my writing career and a source of security. He is ethical to a fault and over the top romantic, with a bone dry sense of humor. He is also the only person in the world who could STAY married to me.

Of course, he has his flaws. He is human after all, even though most of our family calls him “Saint Mark.” But just as he doesn’t catalog my faults and flaws to his associates, I don’t share his. Pointing out each others shortcomings in a public forum doesn’t inspire one to change…or to feel loved. But being bolstered by both public and private adoration has certainly inspired me to try to be a wife worth of his affections.

I wonder what the word is for “excessively devoted to one’s husband”?

What is amazing about your spouse or loved one? Have you told them today?

4 thoughts on “X is for uXorious

  1. You put into words exactly the way I feel about my husband as well! Sounds like Mark and Dave are two peas in a bod! I am not nearly as good at expressing myself in words as you are – so thanks for summing up my thoughts today as well!

    Have a great day!

  2. First off, I love this post. Kudos to you and Mark! What a wonderful example for your children to see.

    Second, I have to say, I feel immensely blessed every day for my husband. It is truly a wonderful feeling to be married to your best friend. Dave tells me he loves me in the big expected ways. However, it’s the little, subtle things that mean so very much. For example, I love coffee, but cannot drink it first thing in the morning. Dave, without fail, brings me a Diet Coke every morning so I can get moving and keep up with our 4 children.

    He is a wonderful man! He is an excellant provider, devoted father, and my biggest cheerleader. He supports me and encourages my interests. He is very romantic and affectionate. He is compassionate and sentimental. We spend endless hours talking to each other, sharing our daily happenings, dreams of the future, and problems that need solved. We truly love and respect each other. And while I am certainly lucky to have him and am continually told “I am the world’s best wife”, I pride myself on being MARITORIOUS too.

    Let’s take the challenge on bringing these two words back in fashion. 🙂

  3. Blah, blah, blah! Just kidding of course. And Darnit, Tina beat me to the punch! I knew the word! lol
    No matter what utter hell my ex lavished on me, I still believe in LOVE. And couples like you and Mark make me continue to believe. Thank you. It is through marriages like yours and my parents’ that I believe I still might one day find Mr. Right. Until then, I will cherish every day I have with my daughter and focus on being the best mommy I can. I mean srsly? I can bake a mean cupcake! 😉

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